Sunday, May 02, 2021

Helicopter Government


Radical public-sector overreach is part of the Democrats’ DNA. — Fletcher

We’ve all heard of helicopter parents ... those who try to run their children’s lives to the point that they never learn to fend for themselves ... and often end up as disfunctional adults.

Well, when you think about it, this model is being pushed by Biden’s puppet handlers as the path to failure for America. Their mantra is European-style central planning ... or copycatting China’s top-down capitalism ... in effect, disallowing the private sector’s exploiting the invisible hand of capitalism to blunder its way to unprecedented free-market prosperity.

Instead, their bureaucratic “we know best” attitude stubbornly believes that they can fundamentally transform our country into a socialistic utopia by confiscating as much money as possible in order to mete it out as AOC and Bernie Sanders know best ... a dead-head and a red-head.

Yes, capitalism makes mistakes ... creative destruction ... but they are small mistakes relatively speaking. In contrast, when Biden-imagined authoritarian governments make mistakes ... which they always do ... they are lulus. And we can see them happening already just in the first 100 days of our new presidency ... open borders, pandemic panic mongering, Constitutional relativism, the Green New Deal,  the joyful killing of our energy independence, bringing back of our love-affair with Iran, fire-hose spending coupled with huge tax increases, etc.

This Biden helicopter government can’t make America great again ... it can’t even build it back better.


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