Saturday, May 29, 2021



Trudeau’s own MPs demand plan for Canada U.S. border

Russian hackers launch major cyberattack through U.S. aid agency’s email system, Microsoft says

Intel community now ‘aggressively’ investigating Covid origin

Rubio rails against Senate reducing Chinese tariffs in anti-China bill

US. tells Russia it won’t rejoin Open Skies arms control pact

In the U.K., cases of the Covid variant identified in India have doubled in one week

Republicans make $928 billion counteroffer to Biden’s infrastructure plan

Senate passes Hawley bill requiring Biden to declassify intelligence on Covid origin

Carbon emissions from from U.S. power sector are at the lowest level in 40+ years

The Philippines has dramatically boosted South China Sea patrols, data shows

Gov.  DeSantis: Most people moving to Florida are registered Republicans

Report: Biden plans to hide gang history of foreign nationals seeking green cards in U.S.


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