Saturday, May 22, 2021



Trump’s Justice Department seized CNN records tied to correspondent’s phone and email

Israel and Hamas agree to ceasefire over Gaza conflict

IRS to require cryptocurrency transfers over $10,000 to be reported

Biden quotes Communist Chairman Mau at Coast Guard graduation

Netflix CEO gives $3M to beat Newsom recall

U.S. proposes global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%, with eye on something even higher

House Dems reject measure to provide emergency funding to Israel’s Iron Dome

Survey: 43% of millennials ‘don’t know, care or believe God exists’

Hong Kong to try first Chinese ‘National Security’ law victim without a jury

Biden’s hands likely tied on states’ unemployment insurance cuts

U.S. Treasury calls for stricter cryptocurrency compliance with IRS, says they pose tax evasion risk

20 states oppose ftaxpayer funding of Critical Race Theory in schools


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