Thursday, May 13, 2021



Israel, Hamas escalate heavy fighting with no end in sight

Inflation surges in April as consumer prices surge 4.2%, fastest since 2008

Report: CDC massively overstated odds of  coronavirus transmission outdoors

Palestinians rockets kill Arab Israelis, including 7-year old girl

Senate Democrats skeptical about extending $300 unemployment benefit

Spot gas prices could worsen if Colonial Pipeline doesn’t reopen by this weekend

Rand Paul grills Dr. Fauci [over his funding of Gain of Function research in Wahan]

Gretchen Whitmer’s approval dips below 50% as scandals mount

Grenell still weighing California recall bid as Republican field grows

Liz Cheney is vowing behind the scenes that she won’t stop fighting Trump about the election ‘Big Lie’

China boosts spending aimed at influencing America 500%

California’s Gavin Newsom to spend $12 billion on homeless


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