Wednesday, May 12, 2021



Gaza militants, children among 24 dead as Israel hits Hamas

FDA permits use of the Pfizer-BioMTech Covid vaccine in kids ages 12 to 15

Former Diane Feinstein staffer funneled millions to Chris Steele, Fusion GPS  after 2016

Hollywood cancels itself: NBC pulls plug on 2022 Golden Globes

Iran nuclear talks progress slowly as timeline dwindles

As Biden leads infrastructure talks, odds of a bipartisan deal look bleak

U.S. warships fire warning shots after being swarmed by Iranian gunboats

Woke University: Theory of Evolution justifies ‘white male supremacy’

Vatican warns U.S. bishops about rebuking Biden, other Catholic pols

Biden prepared to take additional steps after Colonoial Pipeline cyberware attack

Immigration remains among Biden’s lowest-rated issues

Gavin Newsom, facing recall, announces new stimulus checks


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