Saturday, May 01, 2021



Playbook: McConnel takes on the 1619 project

EU says Apple’s Apple Store breaks competition rules after Spotify complaint

NYC’s de Blasio calls for Gov. Cuomo’s ouster

Cornel West: ‘Obama didn’t have the courage to fight’ that Biden has

Giuliani: ‘I never ever represented a foreign national’

India reports record Covid cases again — with over 386,00 new infections

The ratings are in: America dozes off during Sleepy Joe’s address

Survey: More than 6-in-10 GOP voters oppose anchor baby policy

FBI defends ‘suicide by cop’ designation for 2017 baseball field shooting

Job growth could surpass 1 million in April hiring boom as economy roars back

House Dems introduce bill to strip federal grants from companies that do criminal background checks

Georgia’s Sec. of State: ‘If Georgia is so bad’ what is Biden doing here?


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