Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Gates Gossip


The blockbuster to-be divorce between America’s sweethearts, Bill and Malinda Gates, has spawned all sorts of gossip aboutn the root cause. Perhaps ... just perhaps: Business Insider Epstein/Gates Reference. Had Bill Gates just fallen off the turnip truck?

I’m just sayin’ ... if the New York Times can gossip, I think I can too.



  1. An honest blogger might also note: "Gates spokeswoman Bridgitt Arnold told Business Insider in a statement that the men met "multiple times" to discuss philanthropy, but they did not socialize or attend parties together. She also said it appears that "Epstein misrepresented the nature of his meetings with Gates while also working to insert himself behind-the-scenes without Gates's knowledge."


  2. Gossips aren’t circumspect. See also “ https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/who-is-ann-winblad-bill-gates-ex-girlfriend-who-melinda-allowed-him-to-jet-off-annually/ar-BB1gmrmP”

  3. See also: https://pagesix.com/2021/05/05/translator-denies-splitting-up-bill-and-melinda-gates/

  4. How come you weren't interested in all the photos documentation of Trump with Epstein and his procurer? Trump spoke highly of Epstein to a New York magazine reporter in 2002, saying, "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with.... It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
    Stand Up for Full Disclosure!


  5. Mr. Perf Apologist,

    First criminal case against Epstein was in 2005 (which is after 2002). Gates, right off the turnip truck, stayed late at night at Epstein mansion in 2013.
    Snopes is for dopes ... always offering vague deflections.
    News today is that Malinda was concerned about insufferable Bill’s friendship with Jeffery ... and his “other life.”

  6. You conveniently forgot to mention that Trump later threw Epstein out of Mar-a-Largo for his perf activities.
