Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Quotable Quote


The mathematics of herd immunity are overwhelmed by the vagaries of human behavior ... therefore, epidemiology is not as much a science as it is political theater. — Fletcher

For more confusion, see: The Fact of Herd Immunity.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heuristics, my A$$.

A large medicine related company promoting the usual line to help Big Pharma and the AMA with the push to vaccinate using unproven stuff. Read https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/03/31/covid-vaccine-nonsense/
for the "facts" on this BS pandemic. The flu is real but the way it is being handled is completely wrong and I, for one, believe in herd immunity. Have you seen reports of the number of deaths from those taking the vaccine?

KHN, Kaiser Health News, is part of the KFF, the Kaiser Family Foundation. I'm sure their motives are altruistic.