Monday, April 12, 2021


‘Dumb son of a bitch’: Trump rips McConnell at Mar-a-Lago

Biden has options beyond a corporate tax hike to pay for infrastructure, as negotations begin

Biden administration considering sending cash payments to Central America to slow migrant surge

Federal judge rules First Amendment case against UVA may move forward

Supreme Court halts California pandemic restrictions on at-home worship

IMF hikes growth  forecast for the Middle East, says recovery will be ‘divergent’

Members of Biden’s Envionmentsl Justice Council claim fossil fuels are racist

Sanders: Infrastructure includes housing, guaranteed health

Western countries ‘regret’ Russia’s rebuff of meeting on Ukraine

Iran testing advanced nuclear centrifuge that would allow faster uranium enrichment

Fake White House reporter infiltrates Psaki’s briefings

Brooks: Biden’s infrastructure plan ‘will not be paid for’


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