Sunday, March 21, 2021


One problem with our democracy is that our foreign policy tends to whipsaw from one extreme to the other every four to eight years.

Barack Obama took five steps back from George W. Bush’s interventionism and nation building to a “leading from behind” stance which tended to favor the Muslim world and ignore China ... bowing to our adversaries and apologizing for past American sins, real and imagined.

President Trump took a firm America-first stance ... challenging our allies to fulfill their obligations, identifying China as our primary threat ... neutralizing North Korea and Iran ... and allowing that Russia might also see China as one that it might be wise to resist.

The next u-turn comes now from Biden ... or whoever is doing his thinking for him. This unfocused assembly of Obama retreads seems to think that anything Trump did was wrong and needs to be reversed ... “Restore America.”

So far,  Making America Worse Again doesn’t seem to be working out too well  ... particularly since the negative tinge to Biden’s foreign and domestic policies are causing embarrassing problems that are difficult to excuse or even explain.

And, if a Trumper wins in 2024, which seems likely given the current Biden trajectory, our nation will, once again, reverse course ... continuing the unsettling whipsaw.


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