Friday, March 19, 2021

The Uyghur Solution

We have heard of the “re-education camps” that the Chinese government are using the blunt the impact of their Muslim minority, the Uyghurs, is having in their western province. The population of this ethnic group is about 2% of China’s total ... as high as 30 million ... of which China’s president,  Xi Jinping, is reported to have designed a “final solution” ala Nazi Germany ... see: Byline Times.

According to this article President Xi wants to take “harsh” measures against this group ... which include killing a third of them, incarcerating one third ... and converting the final third to secular Communism.

If this revelation is anywhere close to being true, this is genocide on steroids ... and we, the UN and the Muslim world should be in full outrage.  The fact that we aren’t will be the shame of the century.


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