Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Rule by Chaos

The Dems have discovered the secret for duping Americans ... they create a crisis to distract us from their pernicious governing. Viz:

- Allowing BLM and Antifa to run riot in their cities ...  like Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis ... in order to frighten their populations into going along with their looney lefty policies.

- Flooding our southern border with illegal immigrants in order to supply the Chamber of Commerce with armies of cheap labor and the DNC with voters.

- Deluging the presidential election with unsolicited mail-in ballots in order to steal the results.

- Conflating the Capitol invasion into an “insurrection” so that they can cleanse our military and schools from white supremacists.

This rule by creating chaos is a cynical extension of Rahm Emanuel’s edict of never letting  a crisis go to waste. Our conniving left has decided ... why not create the crisis too?


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