Thursday, February 11, 2021

Third Time’s a Charm


Global warming is a gigantic hoax meant to control the masses through fear. — Fletcher

There is a middle-class revolution brewing ... hopefully a bloodless one. A growing percentage of Americans have realized how they are being used by our country’s elites as pawns in this globalism game.  And the resistance keeps growing.

First, there  was the Tea Party uprising in Obama’s early years. They were effectively crushed by the Deep State’s Internal Revenue “Service.” But they were not dead.

Then, Donald Trump picked up the pieces of this resistance and formed it into his MAGAs  ... pledging to drain the Washington swamp. He effectively communicated to these resistors what was being done to them ... and then went about fixing things.

Yes, the establishment has won once again through a massive cabal to elect a laughable shell of a man ... one who would do the Deep State’s bidding. 

Biden’s handlers were vowing to roll back all Trump’s obvious successes. As Biden unravels all this progress with totalitarian efficiency, the MAGAs that Tump organized  see even clearer the fight. They will not go away. Very likely, they will arise once again ... only stronger ... follow the obvious trend line.

And their leader may not be Trump ... but whoever takes up the baton to lead them may well finally drain the fetid swamp that is the Deep State. It is now clear how vicious is the minority opposition. They have had to be to keep the masses at bay.


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