Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Duplicity on Parade


Intelligence agencies have six ways from Sunday for getting back at you. - Chuck Schumer

Many thought Trump was a genius ... but, when it came to the deep state, he was a putz. They were always five steps ahead of him throughout his 4 years. Want to know how? Read this Conservative Treehouse post.

Suddenly, I don’t expect that Durham’s forever -investigation into Russiagate will come through with any real justice. Do you expect he will indict his old boss? C’mon man!

Still believe that the last election was all above board?



  1. "Still believe that the last election was all above board?"

    Well, yeah. Still waiting for the Kracken, or any substantive proof of collusion, fraud, tampered voting machines...

    The only proven fraud was Trump trying to overturn the legitimate election results.

  2. You, like the FBI and the DOJ, will never find any evidence if you never look. And I am also awaiting the krakens response which was due last Saturday. Were are our ever-alert reporters?

  3. Show us where you have found provable data.

  4. Mike L10:02 PM

    Sending you a "My pillow". Sleep well, my friend.

  5. “ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/rigged-election-biden-won-477-counties-vs-obama-won-689-2012-yet-biden-magically-gained-13-million-votes-obama/”

    And, it would be nice if you gaslighters would read and respond to the embedded references.

  6. Once again, I followed your gateway pundit link and found a poorly written screed, dripping with bias, which concludes that "something doesn't add up." which is typical of conspiracy theories -- they always claim something that is unprovable but "seems suspicious".
    Your data seems to be based on an Eric Trump Tweet and some numbers written on a white board. Both claims are disputed. It is entirely credible that there 20 million more voters in 2020 vs 2016, voting for either Biden or Trump. Quite believable that most of the new votes went for Biden.

  7. Mike L.9:51 AM

    Poser: Is it 'gaslighting' if the person actually is balmy?

  8. Mike L. To ask that question is gaslighting.

  9. DEN:
    You believe what you believe ... and so do I. But waving away questionable results without insisting on court adjudication seems ostrich-like to me.
