Saturday, January 23, 2021

White Supremecy

 The implication of the meme “white supremacy” is racist on its very face. — Fletcher

White supremacy is not the Klu Klux Klan ...  nor Jim Crow ...  nor domestic terrorism.  Erase those lies from your thoughts. It is a term used to disparage the Left’s enemies with demagoguery. It is the essence of the new racism. See: NPR Cleansing

According to these new racist guttersnipes  ... white is now the color of oppression, colonialism and imperialism ... and must be banished forever! Wait a minute ... are we sure this is the path to a better world?

Yes predominantly white societies have had their share of colonialist instincts ... imperial designs ... and have oppressed their populations. But have not black and brown societies also copied these evils? The perpetrators of these tropes are colorblind. My listing of these bad actors won’t sway you. Only your recalling them will convince you, I’m sure. So try your hand.

Now that you have completed this mind game ... I challenge you to name one non-white society that, in its day, rose to the high levels of culture, science, justice, tolerance and learning as Greece, Rome, China, Spain, Portugal, France, Austria, Russia, England and the United States?

OK, OK ... ancient Egypt might have been an exception ... but that was quite a long time ago ... and has not sustained itself.

So, kind reader, in the grand scheme of things, societies that have been governed by whites have done pretty well comparatively ... yet they are now the most evil ...  how upside down!


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