Sunday, January 17, 2021

Turning the Knobs

Globalism = low inflation (for a while)

Globalism = negative balance of payments

Negative balance of payments = higher national debt

Higher inflation = lower (effective) national debt

Globalism = slow economic growth

Globalism = declining middle class

Globalism = higher unemployment

Higher unemployment = larger lower class

Declining middle class = social unrest

Slow economic growth = social unrest

Slow economic growth = higher national debt

Higher national debt = higher taxes

Higher taxes = slower economic growth

Low inflation = low interest rates

Low interest rates = higher national debt 

Lower interest rates = weaker dollar

Weaker dollar = better balance of payments

Low interest rates = rising stock market

Rising stock market = expanding upper class

Expanding upper class = socialism

Expanding upper class = globalism

Afterward: If nothing else I hope the above has demonstrated that a single variable, like globalism, can not account for the success or failure of America. This is equivalent to believing that carbon dioxide is the reason our climate changes.

Both dynamics are multi-variant and complex to the point that modeling is only suggestive ... not determinative. In both cases, the only sensible approach is heuristic ... not dogmatic.


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