Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Trump in 2024

Somehow I don’t expect Trump to run again in 2024... he will be 78 for heavens sake!

But, if he is still vigorous and can run (not Senate-convicted and denied this option), then I have a loopy Trump-style option for him — run as a Democrat! (After all, many of his policies resemble old-style Dems.)

What? How could he possibly do that? Well, it seems to this blogger, that this would be a more attractive alternative to his starting a new party ... and the traditional Republican Party was sand in his gears over his first term. But he has a huge loyal fan base who would follow him over a clif. And close to 50% of the attendees at some of his huge MAGA rallies were NOT Republicans! See: Townhall post.

And, it is possible for Trump to run as a Democrat without being a Democrat ... Bernie Sanders did it. And this would tie the far-left Democrats in knots.

Of course there are complications ... the biggest of which would be the primary election. Far in advance Trump would need to convince his base to re-register as Independents or, if necessary, Democrats. I suspect his loyal followers would do this willingly. And, these numbers, combined with Trump Democrats and other non-Republican loyalists could well give him the Democrat nomination ... particularly when viewed against the clown parade of Dem aspirants in 2020.

The vestigial Republican Party would be left with nominating a RINO like Mitt Romney. And the radical Dems would be without a candidate ... unless they switched to the Socialist party with a candidate like AOC.

Given these admittedly far-fetched circumstances, Trump would win back the presidency in a cakewalk. How sweet it would be!

Two more afterthoughts: 1) This assumes we still have a country in 2024, and 2) The lefty media, Deep State, Hollywood and higher Ed ... all verklempt ... would be quite an enjoyable experience.


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