Monday, January 04, 2021

The Takedown

At some future point there will appear the biggest book of the 21st century exposing how Donald Trump was ousted as the most powerful man in the world. It might even be titled “The Takedown,” but since I am unlikely to be around for its sensational publication, I thought I would like to imagine a small part of what it will reveal.

First, it will name the players, both witting and unwitting, in this vast conspiracy:

China, which viewed Trump as the major impediment to its quest for world domination. So it unleashed the Wuhan virus to strike fear into Americans and cripple their economy ... what had been a major reason for Trump’s popularity.

The Uni-party Establishment, (including the courts) which had been used to benefit financially and power-wise from the globalist world order that had been in place from the late 1940s. Yes, the Ds and the Rs liked to make it look like they were rivals ... but this was mostly for show. Their agendas were far closer than distant. Trump pulled the GOP out of this stupor and made many Americans realize what dupes they had become.

U.S. (and some foreign) intelligence agencies, which had gotten very used to helping the uni-party run things. When they realized that DJT might oust BHO’s  automatic successor, HRC, they banded together in a botched attempt to stop and then unseat him. Fortunately for America, it was then too late to rig the election.

Most of the media, which helped Trump (for ratings) when they thought he couldn’t get elected, suddenly turned with a vengeance when the impossible happened ... and they then spent all their waking hours trying to deminish him. FoxNews eventually joined the lynching party.

The Masters of the Universe (aka, Big Tech) and Wall Street, knowing that Trump’s reversal of globalism was not good for their financial future, slowly insinuated themselves into the economic and social discourse against Trump ... until, in despair, they employed censorship and dropped billions of dollars into efforts to defeat the Orangeman.

And there were other players: some unions, higher education, anarchy groups (many likely financed by George Soros) and the glitterati.

And who stood against all these formidable foes? Just that huge basket of deplorable Americans ... like some of you dear readers and your humble blogger.

Time is up for today ... and so, the rest of this sordid story will need to wait for further blog posts ... and, unless Fletcher is carted away by a crowd in Guy Fawkes masks, he will tell you Pilgrims much more next time.


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