Sunday, January 31, 2021

Return to “Normal”

There is something off-putting happening in America. No it’s worse than off-putting because large portions of our population are oblivious to the huge events that are slipping by.

What is this sea change? Well, the Obiden administration is hell bent on “normalizing” things. They want to take us back to the way things were before the evil Orangeman started pushing back against the America Lasters.

In particular, we are on a rocky road back to:

- Higher taxes = slowing economy

- No more energy independence

- Growing crime rates

- More foreign involvements contra to our national interests

- Funding a dispropotunate share of NATO, the UN, WHO and the Paris Climate Accord

- Opening our borders and tearing down its wall

- More crippling regulations

- Unbalanced trade deals

- Unilateral disarmament

- Submission to Chinese hegemony

- Globalism ... meaning death of American manufacturing

- Subsidizing failed liberal state and local governments

- Higher unemployment

- Expanding power of big tech oligarchs

- Martial law in the wrong place ... ignoring the radical left

- Propping up Iran

- Disparaging Israel

- Encouraging immigration, both legal and illegal

- Defunding the police

And all this is supposed to be a return to better times! I don’t think so ... and many Americans agree ... many mote than the Democrats understand.

Returning to “normal” does not mean things will be getting better. Maybe we need to reprogram the left?


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