Wednesday, January 13, 2021

One Regret

I hated Richard Nixon ... not as much as liberal trolls hate Trump today ... but enough to be glad when he was forced out of office. But, as I now have fewer teeth and longer eyebrows, I have one regret (among many others) about this particular youthful exuberance.  Why?

Because this big win inflated the blood lust of our media to the point that they have lost all sense of what journalism is supposed to offer.  An important moderating voice has been silenced.

Now that this same media with the assistance of the tyrannical social media has taken out President Trump, we should anticipate an even bigger gaggle of goose-stepping geese

Will our children and our children’s children, who supported this presidential coup, regret their youthful naïveté in thirty years or so? My guess is that they will ... if they are allowed to think that is.


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