Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Obvious Truth

In politics, there are few things that are spontaneous and unplanned ... such as an utter dearth of D.C. and Capitol Hill police security ...  defending against the marauding and invading  mobs today ... be they all MAGA supporters (unlikely) or paid agent provocateurs. — Fletcher



DEN said...

Yes. They were clearly provoked by The President's lies about the "stolen" election. They were the embodiment of MAGA. Not patriots: thugs, anarchists and sheep. Can we call them "Deplorables" now?

I think we will see people like Giuliani, Hawley, etc. get some jail time as Agent Provocateurs. Don't be surprised to see Trump in an orange jumpsuit for his role in the attempted coup.

The scary part of this train-wreck: a smarter tyrant would not have shot himself in the feet.

George W. Potts said...

I see ... resisting sedition is the real sedition ...