Sunday, January 24, 2021



White House launches ‘comprehensive assessment’ on domestic extremism

Biden says nothing can change the trajectory of the Covid pandemic over the next several months

Press Sec Psaki fails to condemn Antifa violence

Nearly 200 National Guard members test positive for Covid-19

Fauci: Trump administration strategy ‘very likely’ did cost lives

Trump’s Senate impeachment trial will start the week of Feb. 8, Schumer says

Gabbard: Proposed Domestic Terror Bill will be used to undermine civil liberties

California worst state at vaccine distribution

Biden increases food aid payments to low-income families with children

Covid updates: Bill Gates gets the vaccine, Pfizer to provide 40 million doses for poorer countries

Biden starts with lower approval rating than Trump did

Pollak: Biden kills up to 70,000 jobs on first day in office


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