Monday, January 18, 2021


The crash landing of ‘Operation Warp Speed’

Trump retains overwhelming support from Republicans after deadly U.S. Capitol attack

Mexico’s president compares U.S. social media censorship to Spanish Inquisition

Migrant caravan in Guatamaula pushes through border from Houndoras — heading to U.S.A.

Harris to resign Senate seat ahead of swearing in as VP

Democratic governors accuse Trump administration of misleading them about vaccine stockpile

Florida is outperforming California in fighting coronavirus with fewer restrictions

40% of L.A. firefighters decline to show up for coronavirus vaccine

Hotel pulls plug on Hawley fund raiser

Manhattan DA expands probe of Trump company to sprawling Westchester, NY estate

Feds build wall in DC for inaugeration as Biden, Harris denounce border wall

Manchin: Removing Cruz, Hawley ‘should be a consideration’


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