Thursday, January 28, 2021

Gain of Function

The origins of the China virus pandemic is a complicated story with some missing pieces and I may have a few fuzzy facts wrong. But as best as I can determine, it well might be the result of Chinese research on engineering coronaviruses into jumping species, greater human virulence and transmissibility.  The generic term applied to this research is “gain of function” GOF research.

GOF research is obviously very dangerous and the Obama administration even put a stop to it in 2014 after a large group (over 40?) genetic scientists wrote a letter pointing out the lethal risks. 

However, the National Institute of Health circumvented this ban by funding the only level-4 virology lab in China with two tranches of $3.7 million to study GOF ... in particular, on  bat viruses.

And there is a growing consensus that it was this GOF virus engineering there that resulted in Covid-19 ... which then either escaped the lab or was purposely released (my guess) to infect the world with the scourge we are living through.

The question then begs itself ... who was the moving force behind this skirting of the U.S. ban on GOF virus research by funding the Wuhan institute of Virology with American taxpayer money?

You guessed it ... Dr. Anthony Fauci!


To check the accuracy of my suppositions, please read the following references: 

Gain of Function Research Gone BadWhy would the U.S. have funded the controversial Wuhan lab? and Hilton Report: Dr. Fauci’s “going to need friends in high places” 


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