Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Bill of Wrongs

The Democrats have long felt that the U.S. Constitution was a “living,  breathing document” ...  meaning everything in it is up for grabs. (Wouldn’t that be a “dying document?”)

On the other hand, most conservatives (sorry, I can’t say Republicans any more) believe that the original text of the Constitution ... along with its ratified amendments ... are the basis of our democratic republic.

Dear reader, can we look at those provisions in the Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments) that the Democrats would just as soon scuttle? And how they are doing it?

Freedom of Religion: the Covid pandemic has provided a perfect opportunity for many Blue State governos to restrict or even eliminate religious services ... even when perishoners are sitting in their cars in the parking lot!

Freedom of Speech — the Big Tech actions to censor conservatives is destroying free speech ... and is generally unchallenged by Democrats

Freedom of the Press — the 5-year blanketing of the media with an obvious hoax was not freedom of the press, it was a dogmatic abuse of this freedom.

Freedom of Assembly — the MAGA rally in Washington was peaceful in the streets, yet these people are being smeared and punished as though they had invaded the Capitol.

Right to Bear Arms — Beto O’Rourke ... need I say more?

Due Process of Law — a snap impeachment stunt by Nancy Pelosi ... lacking witnesses or evidence ... is very akin to a wild-west lynching

Rights of the Accused (inc. confronting your accuser) — the snap House impeachment hearing did not permit Trump to present any defense.

Federalism (10th Amendment) — Dems want to centralize virus lockdowns, mask wearing and vaccinating administering ... taking these prerogatives  away from the states.

For a refresher on the Bill of Rights see: Bill of Rights.


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