Sunday, January 10, 2021

Battle Lines

The battle lines are forming. —  Fletcher

The major downside to Donald Trump is that he is unapologetically divisive  ...  attracting supporters and enemies with uncanny ease ... a greater number of supporters, but more powerful enemies. His supporters love him for all the good he has done for America ... particularly for our forgotten class. And they are more than willing to overlook his personality quirks. 

And his enemies ... those who consider themselves the deciders ...  hate him, strangely,  for this very same reason. His personality is so off-putting to them that what he does to make his supporters happy must be bad and this makes them mad ...  and irrationly vindictive.

A dangerous situation ...  as we are learning ... one that will test the foundations of our democracy.

Afterthought: Looking back over this post, I see that I used the word enemies instead of detractors. I thought about changing it ... and decided ...  no ... they are his enemies in the truest sense of the word.


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