Monday, December 07, 2020

Forensic Test


Ware County, Georgia impounded a Dominion vote tabulating machine and performed the following forensic test on it: they fed the exact same number of Biden and Trump ballots into the machine and ... voila! ... the machine showed that Biden had 26% more votes than Trump ... see: NOQ Report.

This is essentially the same software “glitch” that Sydney Powell has pointed to as one of the crooked reasons for Trump’s loss in some of the swing states who used Dominion hardware and software.

Of course, this smoking gun is being ignored by Georgia’s governor and secretary of state ... who just re-ceertified the election.

Afterward: I have corrected this blog ... after rereading the link, only one Ware County machine was tested ... but it was tested twice for verification.



  1. Once again you are spreading false information. No machines were impounded. The forensic test you cite never happened. Sydney Powell has offered no hard evidence to support her accusations. Why would any red state governor ignore any credible allegation? Answer: he wouldn't.

    Your continued attempt to knowingly subvert a legal democratic election proves that you are no patriot. So please stop with your phony and dishonest MAGA bullshit.


  2. Again arm waving assertions without any believable referential evidence ... at some point you need to establish a modicum of credibility so that your pushback carries some weight. And I hope you don’t think you can shut me down with spittle-flecked insults ... now do you? I will be happy to publish your reasoned comments. But, in the future, I think I will ignore any senseless brickbats like the above ... sorry.

  3. Dimitri12:44 PM

    Censoring negative commentary is long overdue. Shut that nattering nabob down!
