Friday, November 06, 2020

Uncle Sam!


Don’t do it!

See: The Fix Is In  (MUST READ)



  1. Trump's "Press Conference" last night evoked the courtroom soliloquy by Humphrey Bogart in "The Caine Mutiny"

  2. You forgot the moral of the Herman Wouk story — It was a huge mistake to mutiny on the Caine because of its captain’s personality quirks.

  3. Yes, I did forget that. I was mainly thinking of the paranoid rambling rant. He looked and sounded defeated.

    I should have used a Titanic metaphor.

  4. "no concrete examples of voter fraud" suck on that.
    A bunch of whiny, made-up, far-fetched tales.
    There are different state laws about how observers are accommodated. In most cases, you can't just show up and say "I'm an observer." So those stories are just about uninformed people being incited by evil doers.

  5. Even after a court order? Com’on man!

    “Democracy dies in darkness” (and covered windows).

  6. There is no election law that allows random people to show up to harass vote counters, wearing political slogans and waving banners. It's not allowed ANYWHERE in the US.
    The only court order I've heard about moved *official* observers to within 8 ft. It was followed.

    Don't talk to me about Democracy! You've been carrying water for the most dishonest autocrat the country and echoing his baseless accusations about "stealing the election". The will of the electorate is the basis for Democracy. You and the Russian bots are doing your best to destroy Democracy. Sad.

  7. They are designated poll watchers

    I must complement you on the consistent message in your comments. Are you sure you are not a bot?

  8. Bots can't comment.

    I would be very concerned if legitimate poll watchers were prevented from doing their job.
    This should be settled by a court and re-counted if irregularities are proven -- so far merely alleged.
