Monday, November 09, 2020

Today’s Poser


For you liberal readers: If you became convinced that, through massive voter fraud, Joe Biden was elected in error ... is your hatred of Donald Trump white hot enough that you still would champion the Biden win?



  1. Big difference between most Liberals and Trumpists who say "By any means."

    No. Fraudulent votes must be discarded and perpetrators need to be punished.
    And those who falsely accuse others of fraud need to be pilloried.

    If counting legal votes changes the outcome, that's called Democracy.

  2. I hope you are not saying that any questioning of results is to be disallowed ... But I am happy that you acknowledge that, if the legal votes favor Trump, you would accede.

  3. Peaceful and honest questioning of the results is legitimate. Intimidation, threats, "whatever it takes" is not acceptable.

    False accusations = without proof.

    e.g., Using "steal" instead of "won." to rile-up the under-informed.

  4. 450,000 ballots in key states only marking their ballots for Biden ... and no one else? Mail-in ballots with no signature verification, postmarks ... and audit trails destroyed? Poll watchers denied poll watching. GOP likely holding the Senate ... picking up maybe 7 House seats ... flipping multiple state legislatures ... and losing not one governor. Suspicious software (company partially owned by Pelosi’s husband) moving Rs to Ds? Coincidences? No proof of collusion yet ... but no not proof.

  5. Your comment suggests that you have joined the thought and language police ...

    BTW, how many Dems who accused Trump of Russian election skullduggery for three years (including you?) ... now are attacking we who are asking more creditable questions? Hypocritical? ... I think so.

  6. "No not proof" you have to be shitting me! Is that your new standard of alternate fact?

    You've just parroted all these phony accusations --as if you don't care about the truth.

    These are not "credible questions" they are "Lets throw some shit against the wall and see if it sticks."

    Because your credibility is now irretrievably tarnished, this is to inform you that I am quitting this blog, (as have most of the others). Good luck. Happy Holidays. Wager payment in bitcoins preferred.

  7. DEN’s latest comment above violates the Community Standards of this blog and, if he tries to comment again, he will be “remanded to the secular arm” (the Adam Schiff Council of Acceptable Thought) for a suitable reprimand.

  8. You two sound like two teenagers in a tiff.

  9. Clarification: My comment was poking fun at Facebook’s shadow-banning ... and suggesting shades of the Spanish Inquisition ... hardly grade school stuff.
