Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Puppeteers

Most honest political observers concede that Joe Biden, if he assends to the presidency, is nothing but a stand-in for one or more power brokers who will be making the decisions and feeding him his lines. 

In fact, many, including myself, feel that his progressing dementia will force him out of office, 25th Amendment-wise, quite early in his possible administration. And it is also assumed that Kamala Harris will be easily manipulated by these same puppeteers.

The question then poses itself ... who is or are these marionette minders?

Well, seeing that Barack Obama and his consigliere, Valarie Jarrett moved into a mansion about a mile from the White House soon after leaving same ... gives us a clue.

Also, so far most, if not all of Sleepy Joe’s cabinet picks are right out of Obama’s stable. ... see: The Hill Story. This is another indication that Obama & Co. might be pulling the strings.

However, kind reader, what still has me perplexed is ... who owns Obama?


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