Thursday, November 12, 2020

Mayor of Realville

Before we start, dear reader, please read or reread Pillows of Civility.

Rush Limbaugh calls himself the “Mayor of Realville.” And he is a brutal realist ... although he frequently couches his stark revelations in terms of self-effacing comments or allows for  possible hearer skepticism. But, please note that he does this over the radio, a warm media. He has refused to communicate his thoughts on social media ... to me, a telling insight.

And President Trump is also a brutal realist ... too brutal for the taste of many Americans. He communicates much of this realism over the social media ... which has caused him many problems among those who would rather not face these cold hard facts. On the other hand, when he warmly communicates these same thoughts in person to the huge crowds at his rallies, he is met with chants of “We love you!”

Do these two instances of the difference between face-to-face communication versus social media posts verify the conclusion I drew in the above hyperlink?

Afterward: Maybe I was to hard on Trump’s tweets. after all, early on, it was the only method he had to counter the fake media.


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