Saturday, November 14, 2020

Just Askin’

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force. — George Orwell

Am I allowed to question the results of the current presidential election? I know, I know ... I am not a member of this country’s elites ... who get to set most memes ... and force most conclusions (those that they focus on ... like who is to become our next president.) Yes, more than half of America now believes that the elites jury-rigged the Biden con job ... dispute hundreds of suspicious events that moved Sleepy Joe in front. (Were there any suspicious dealings that favored Trump? I have not seen any.) And now, more than 10 million loyal Americans have voted for Trump above those who voted for him in 2016!

How are the bad guys trying to steal this election? Primarily by partisan, unseen crooked counting of mailed-in (or middle of the night dropped-off) ballots ... gang-created, unverified ballots with their audit trails destroyed ... suspicious hardware and software reporting mechanisms ... and the voting of dead and fictitious people. A triple-pronged strategy.

It is estimated that a few million votes have been switched from Trump to Biden ... or just disappeared for Trump ... or created for Biden ... many suspiciously through a hardware/software vote talies from a squirmy company called Dominion Voting Systems ... see: Heavy News ... which has been implicated in such questionable outcomes. 

Can Trump’s people forensically prove these charges before the electoral votes are certified? Not an easy task ... particularly if Dominion will not supply the Trump team with its source code for the system that was actually used ... or, if any critical elements of its process are buried in microcode.

Anyhow, these suspicions will need to be run to ground with forensic analyses, audits and recounts ... and soon ... if America is to trust the outcome of this and future elections. There is still a mountain of proof more that China might have been more involved this time (Covid anyone?) than Russia was in 2016.

See also: Powerline Deep Dive

Afterward ... watch: Sydney Powell Video and an even more explosive one: Power Line Video



  1. Chelsea Gomez9:37 PM

    Easy to spot a yellow car when you’re looking for a yellow car

    Easy to spot opportunity when you’re always looking for opportunity

    Easy to spot reasons to be mad when you’re always thinking about being mad

    You become what you constantly think about

    Watch yourself.

  2. If that be the case, at 15 I would have been a willing girl.
