Thursday, November 19, 2020

Jury Out?


If you didn’t watch the Rudy Giuliani/Sydney Powell press conference today dealing with President Trump’s contention of election fraud in six or more battleground states, you can view it above.

Your oversight would have been easy to do since it got very little network news coverage (just Fox). And if you refuse to recognize the possibility that such a massive conspiracy could have taken place ... you purposely have your head in the sand.

May I draw another analogy dear reader? It’s as though you are falling asleep in the jury box during a prosecutor’s opening arguments. This is not democracy. And this is certainly not justice.

Afterward: After this presser, Dana Perino of Fox opined that Dominion Voting Systems should sue Giuliani and the Trump campaign (slander?) I doubt that this will happen since this would open up the discovery process which the Trump team could use to get the hard source-code evidence from Dominion.



  1. Proud Patriots8:56 PM

    Thank God they were able to show some evidence to support their claims.... what? no? The witnesses don't want to come forward?

    Well it doesn't matter and we don't need facts to yell conspiracy. We don't care if he lost the election, we are true patriots. Like you.

  2. To deny a mountain of what I confess is mostly circumstantial evidence requires willful ignorance. But, at the same time, I suspect that this Gordian Knot will not be unraveled for some time.
