Saturday, November 07, 2020


If my and 71 million other Americans’ suspicions are correct ... about what chicanery is happening around this presidential election ... it is more than just scary. It is inconceivably horrid ... that such a large number of our citizens would so conspire.

If this gross perfidy is eventually uncovered and proven, it will be almost as big a stain on our national morality as the sin of segregation.

For this reason, I pray that I am just a suspicious dunderhead.

Afterward:Found the following revelation on The Conservative Treehouse that needs notice —   Sidney Powell Discusses Election Fraud: “We have identified 450,000 ballots in key states, that magically only voted for Biden”…



  1. UPDATE: "...but the Trump campaign’s own lawyers acknowledged, in a hearing, that there have been Republican observers in the room at all times since mail ballots began to be opened and counted at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

    “Their counsel admitted at the hearing, after questions from the court, that they had several representatives in the room,” said the Philadelphia City Commissioners in a statement. The commissioners, two Democrats and one Republican who oversee voting in the city, said there were between 15 and 19 Republican observers present all day on Thursday."

    Stand Up for Truth.

  2. What about on Wednesday and Friday. And Giuliani has said the some of these observers were 75 YARDS away and wee using binoculars to try to see what was happening ... as best you can do fro such distances. The court order said they should be 6 feet away. Hmmm?
