Friday, October 16, 2020

Unmasking Masks

I have voiced skepticism about the effectiveness of non-N95 masks ... so I found this CDC study recently. I am not gloating but my instincts seem justified.

Maybe the CDC has inadvertently revealed that ordinary cloth face masks are fairly ineffective in preventing catching the Covid-19. This august government agency has revealed that a study has discovered that roughly 70% of those who have contracted this virus have always worn masks ... and another almost 14% have frequently worn such masks ... see: The Federalist Article.

And even more revealing ... only 3.9% of those who never wear masks have come down with this virus.

QED, Karen



  1. I'm pretty sure that CDC does not draw same conclusions from that study of 150 or so patients who were at 11 academic medical facilities (Campuses?)
    Study authors noted that most of the infected persons had recently visited a restaurant or bar (or other close contact event) where they had removed their masks, despite claiming that they always wore them. If the study proves anything it is that you cannot believe what people say about their behavior. I'd like to see if that 3.9% number holds up in a wider study.
    Ask Chris Christie if he agrees with you.

  2. I have never said that, if wearing a cloth mask gives you the warm fuzzies, that you shouldn’t do it ... just that I am suspicious of our Orwellian group think.
