Saturday, October 17, 2020

Russian Disinformation?

The alleged embarassing Hunter Biden revelations that have been uncovered by the NY Post and Peter Schweizer are not being reported by most media outlets ... and their excuse is that it is “Russian disinformation” being promoted by a discredited Rudy Giuliani “who is drunk all the time.” Even Michael Smerconish, who is fairer than most on CNN,  said this morning that the story about  Hunter Biden dropping off his laptop and then forgetting about it “sounds very suspicious.”

Now, this laptop computer was defaulted on at a Delaware repair shop and  given to the FBI last December (after the shop owner made a copy of the hard drive) ... so this agency could vouch for its authencity at any time, Why haven’t they? Perhaps they might be further sullied ... and they would just assume that the Russian disinformation story continues to circulate?

But what most are ignoring is that it seems next to impossible for any intelligence operation to construct the detail that was found on this laptop ... over ten thousand emails loaded with exquisite detail which can easily lead to their authentication, intimate images of Hunter Biden involved in drug use and sexual dalliances ... and all sorts of forensic evidence that the FBI could authenticate... or debunk  in a heartbeat. Why haven’t they?

And now Schweizer has been given access to thousands more emails by Hunter’s jailed business partner, Bevan  Cooney, which paint the same picture of the Biden crime family’s pay for play dealings with many foreign governments ... including China, Russia, the Ukraine and Kazakhstan (at least).

The mainstream media and Sleepy Joe’s handlers will try their best to throw up lots of gorilla dust ... obscuring this scandal. But it seems almost an impossible task ... unless, of course, our entire country has been compromised and corrupted.

Afterward: see Mike Huckabee Article and this morning, John Ratcliff, the Director of National Intelligence, went on national TV to say the our intelligence community has NO evidence thatRussia has been engaged in a disinformation campaign around this laptop computer.



  1. Marion9:10 PM


  2. The second word in the post.

  3. Marion7:59 PM

    definition of alleged:
    "A statement, WITHOUT PROOF, said to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality"

    Often used in the service of Disinformation, lying, dissembling, fake facts.

  4. Now we know...
    Tony Bobulinski is not a "business partner" of Hunter Biden. He was discussing business with Hunter Biden and the business fell through. He is CEO of a company that never did any business and is worth nothing.

  5. My take ... Bobulinski and Hunter were partners in SinoHawk ventures (the hawk was Bo Biden’s favorite bird). Yes, this venture fell through I think because the Biden’s realized that Bobulinski was not the crook they thought he was.

  6. How do we know he wasn’t referring to a possible Biden presidency? Even, BHO thought that Biden was deficient upstairs.
