Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Polar Opposites

I am constantly amazed by how two people, who are bathed in virtually the same set of facts and analyses, can come to diametrically opposite conclusions. Are their brains wired differently? Does intelligence affect how data is processed? Are they driven by their social circle to embrace and ignore certain of the data points involved? In other words, are their conclusions a social contract ... motivated by a sense of belonging? Or are they driven by fear and suspicion? And are levels of morality (and immorality) a factor?

When looking back on history, we tend to dismiss the divisions that existed in olden times. But there were a considerable number of loyalist during the Revolutionary War ... and slave holders in the North during  Lincoln’s days, But, as they say, history is written by the winners. So, polar opposites have always existed and will continue to do so. We all hope for a national consensus ... but it likely will only happen in hindsight.

And the losers will claim that they were on that side all along.

Afterthought: After further musing, I think that social pressure might be the crowning element in politics ... augmented by the media which, although the same info goes in on top, it looks quite different when it comes out the other end.


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