Friday, October 09, 2020

Obvious Truth

Much of America’s media is constantly in spittle-flecked combat with President Trump ... and one of their primary accusations is that he fosters national disunity.  Is this not hypocritical hyperbole?


1 comment:

  1. One who served7:30 PM

    Most non-drooling Americans with a brain can see that he is no patriot. Listen to his words about veterans and gold star families. Pay attention to the dismantling of America's status in the world - even our close allies regard him as a clown.

    Yes it is hypocritical hyperbole because his has personally alienated so many voters that he alone (not the media) has galvanized the opposition to his antics, tweets and lies. The landslide is roaring down the mountainside whilst his supporters suck down the kool aid.
