Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Obvious Truth

In a democracy, led by self-serving mountebanks, doing the right thing is often the exception rather than the rule ... Trump is an exception.



  1. Marion the Librarian2:38 PM

    ... Because Trump is not a self-serving mountebank?
    Check your dictionary honey, his picture is right there.

  2. Trump has the good instincts of a successful businessman ... not the self-serving instincts of a politician. Maybe why so many politicians despise him. He has made more good decisions in the last 4 years than our last 4 presidents.

  3. Marion10:02 PM

    Again, you sound crazy when you assert that someone who survives through lawsuits, bankruptcy, and failure to pay debts is not self-serving but some paragon of business. Successful business men do not seek the company of low rent hookers and then marry them. Maybe he should publish his tax returns to settle the argument about his business acumen. Then let's look at the first lady's history. #thimblerigger

  4. I think The NY Times published his tax returns. America is still yawning.

  5. Marion4:44 PM

    Perhaps many who paid more than $750 last year in taxes, and did not write-off hair salon costs are not yawing. More people are opening their eyes to see what a fraud he is. He will drag you and Lindsey and Mitch and the rest down with him, with no remorse.

    Interesting that Melania and Barron also mysteriously "recovered" from Covid without any miracle treatment.

    False positives?
