Friday, October 30, 2020


Wisconsin GOP says hackers stole $2.3M from Trump re-election fund

U.S. GDP booms 33.1% in Q3, better than expected

SCOTUS lets North Carolina extend deadline to receive absentee ballots to 9 days after election

Jobless claims drop to 751,000, Better than expected

British Labour Party suspends former leader Jeremy Corbyn

There was a surprising drop in September home sales, as buyers were priced out

Three killed in terrorist attack in French church

Shepherd Smith repeatedly interrupts Fauci to demand he call for national mask mandate

Poll: Biden notches narrow lead in Florida

Daily case record Coronavirus updates: Gottlieb says U.S. cases unlikely to peak before Thanksgiving as nation sets daily record 

Tucker Carlson reveals damning Hunter Biden docs mysteriously vaniished in transit

CDC Journal: Cloth masks’ may give wearers a false sense of protection’ against coronavirus


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