Monday, October 26, 2020



The stresses of Covid-19 and the donnybrook election battle appear to be too much for many people’s tender psyches... and they are retreating from life. Can we call this cocooning? They are retreating into their shells ... hoping that all the ogres afoot will overlook them ... and they can come out when the coast is clear to wallow in their perspicacity.

I don’t know ... but I suspect that when they emerge from their self-imposed quarantine, the world may not be to their liking.

Then, dear reader, what will they do? My bet is blame us who stood around (if we’re still here.)



  1. Who are you talking about? I don't see anyone retreating into their shells.
    I see people who respect science making choices to avoid risky situations. Or is the pandemic merely a Democratic charade, like the Russia scandal? Read the report. Trump would be impeached and in jail if republicans in the Senate had any balls or integrity.

    Keep standing up unmasked for Q'Anon crazoid theories.

  2. “The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one'” — Shakespeare

  3. Hope you are not talking about those who avoided serving their country with bone spurs and other "deferments" Most were not cowards; but neither were they patriots. These days a man who has sacrificed nothing for the USA, can question the patriotism of those who would restore decency and integrity to the United States.

  4. Watching Trump rallies tells me we are not a nation of cocooners. But seeing Biden and Obama diminish themselves by lecturing a tiny audience of honking cars is, in a word, pathetic ... and BTW, neither of whom can claim military service either ... if that’s the measure of the man.
