Sunday, September 20, 2020

Vitamin B-12?

President Trump recently opined in North Carolina that Joe Biden might be getting a shot in his bum right before their first debate in a little over a week. What does the Orangeman know? And what would be in Biden’s syringe?

I have a (rare) thought ... remembering a woman of a certain age I once knew who used to get regular shots to improve her memory and boost her energy level. It was vitamin B-12. So I went to Duckduckgo to research this item ... and found out the 20% of Americans over the age of 60 suffer from a B-12 deficiency ... the symptoms of which include lethargy and memory loss ... see: NIH on B-12 indications.

Of course, not being a doctor, I could be blowing smoke ... and Biden may or may not be among this population who are seriously deficient in B-12 ... but he obviously suffers from some degenerative condition at times. There is plenty of video evidence supporting this assertion. And he also has periods of greater lucidity ... which Trump has clearly noted. In any case, were Biden to get elected, I still would greatly worry about having a president who has to rely on injections to keep him alert and lucid ... particularly when dealing with aggressive foreign leaders and the continuing serious crises that face our country over the coming years. (I am reminded of the cost that the world suffered when a seriously ill FDR tried to negotiate with Stalin on how Europe would look after Germany fell.)

Extra-added attraction: Biden is also rumored to be taking Namenda, an Alzheimer drug which is taken orally ... and often causes incontinence ... see: American Thinker Article.

Afterward: I also just heard the drug Adderall may be involved.



  1. More rumors, speculation and innuendo, yawn.
    Take a look at your guy, who blathers inanely when not following his script.

  2. I just added a link to some corroboration. Please re-look at the end of the post.

  3. Just another anonymous allegation. Why wouldn't the inside identify himself? If you believe this guy then, how about this link?

  4. Do you believe the Atlantic anonymous report about what Trump said about the military? I’ll tell you what ... I’ll believe your rat, if you believe mine (with a lot more visible evidence).

  5. george, Shakespear aid it best "I know not seems".

  6. If we bloggers could not speculate, Shakespeare or not, our creativity would be greatly hobbled. Would you have me limp around even more? Maybe some expert medical feedback regarding my chimera? (No postulating though.)
