Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Trump’s Boneheaded Moves?

A DEN comment on a previous blog post (Why?) outlined what is alleged to be President Trump’s boneheaded moves (surprisingly, DEN didn’t call him a RACIST!)  I reproduce them below with my rebuttals in bold type. Doing this under the comments section would have been impractical.


-Unilaterally abandoned a treaty with Iran that they were complying with.
Again it is NOT a treaty and, even in 2017, Iran was NOT complying ... see:  Center for Security Policy and, more recently, Iran is 3.5 months from A-bomb

-Started a trade war with China and others which has cost jobs, ruined farms and raised prices for Americans.
In February, a year after tariffs were installed and before Covid, unemployment rate was 3.5%, the lowest in history, see: CNBC Report ... and inflation is still a tiny 1% compared to the Fed’s target of 2%  ... see: Inflation Rate Calculator.

- destroyed our prestige and trust with other nations that were allies, made a laughing stock out of America, but mainly himself. No one except Putin wants to deal with him.
Panhandlers (like much of the EU) always love a sucker  ... and they don’t like to be called freeloaders ... but the head of NATO praises Trump ... see: USA Today article ... and he is a hero in much of the Middle East, Japan, the Ukraine, South America, the U.K. and now, Serbia and Kosovo. The only reason Putin sucks up to Trump, despite all the sanctions that have been imposed on Russia, is because he is rightfully scared of China. Trump is putting a stop to our being the world’s police force. Is this not a good thing?

- Gave a phony tax cut that mainly benefited large corps and rich people. 
First, they were real, not phony ... and, specifically, the corporate cuts did boost the economy. If they benefitted the wealthy it was only away from high-tax states like California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, etc, ... see: Washington Times article. Why are so many plutocrats moving out of these states? (Even after Gov. Cuomo offers to cook them dinner?)

- Has fired anyone who disagrees with him, gutting the competence of government leaders.
Trump has lived through a lot of Deep State leaks and subterfuge. He obviously tolerated a lot of disagreement but when subordinates actively worked against his policies (and they were rife) then they are shown the door. If anything, he has been too slow in this housecleaning.

- Put up a phony wall that can be breached with a power saw.
Sour grapes. Cutting through the wall with a saw takes a lot more time than stepping over a line. And there are sensors in the wall that alert authorities to any breach so that they can counterdict. There have now been build 216 miles of real (not phony) wall ... see: FoxNews Story ... with 700 more to go.

- Failed to take the pandemic seriously, proffered snake oil solutions. Never assumed responsibility for anything.
 Were you watching any of the Covid press conferences? It WAS the Trump administration, namely Fauci et al, who screwed the pooch by being on both sides of every issue. Trump is a natural optimist ... not a scientist and he made the mistake of putting too much faith in these incompetent bureaucrats ... and often had to cover for them. The CDC and NIH performed badly before and during this pandemic ... but Trump marshaled private industry and the drug companies only like a real businessman could. If you believe Biden could have done any better, you are a DNC ventriloquist’s dummy.

- Pulled troops out of Syria and betrayed Kurdish allies.
Did pulling out 50 US military advisors in northern Syria allow Turkey to destroy the Kurds there? Absolutely not! Biden is not raising this issue because it doesn’t exist. You need to read and study more. See: NY Post article.

- ignored Putin's bounty on US servicemen.
More silly fake news like The Atlantic canard ... designed to peel away military votes. Why on earth would he do this? Because Russia loaned his company money back in 1992? 

- encouraged supporters to vote twice, hired a guy with no experience to reduce USPS capabilities.
Not true. He said if North Carolina voters voted well in advance by mail, they should check to see if the their votes had been tallied. He didn’t single out Republicans. And the new head of the USPS is a logistics expert (see: Wikipedia Entry) ... and the post office is primarily a logistics business ... which badly needs to innovate.

- Solicited foreign influence. Bribed the Ukranian leader to dig dirt on Biden (this was proven but would not vote to impeach) Has undermined confidence in elections.
If anyone bribed the Ukrainian leadership, it was Biden. The Democrat impeachment case against Trump didn’t even charge that he had colluded ... don’t you remember? If Trump was charged with colluding and proven guilty, would any discussions between foreign leaders ever be possible in the future?

- refuses to show his taxes which would reveal chummy relations with Russians
You are guessing again. If there is anything illegal in Trump’s tax returns, it is for the tax courts and maybe the NY DA and grand jury to decide ... not the corrupt American media.

- could not find a replacement for ACA but would have dumped millions of people off health care just to spite Obama.
So far Trump has only eliminated the unfair individual mandate and penalty in Obamacare ... a very popular move. His other reforms were scuttled by a spiteful John McCain. Can you honestly say that your health care has gotten better or cheaper after ACA was passed? I certainly can’t.


  1. I stand by every one of my statements. Your pretzel twisty sophistry is impressive but not convincing. I cannot do justice in a comment to your wrongheadedness.

  2. And I wasn’t even raising my voice ...
