Tuesday, September 01, 2020


Should I have pictured Diana Ross’s singing group?

I recently speculated that some woke American blacks have gone beyond seeking racial equality ... to demanding black supremacy ... see: Today’s Poser. Let’s call them  “supremes” ... and, by the way, they’re not all blacks either ... many lefty white pols see advantage in jumping on this cho-cho train. Anyhow, how do you know if you are a supreme?

Well, you might be a supreme if:

- you say All Lives Matter is racist

- you want to defund the police

- you demand reparations

- you want the “black language” taught in the schools

- you want convicts in prison to be able to vote

- you wear a “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” tee-shirt

- you kneel during the national anthem

- you think looting and arson are OK because “they have insurance”

- you try to look and act black even if you are not


1 comment:

  1. Redd Nech11:39 AM

    You forgot to use the term "uppity."
