Monday, September 14, 2020

Presidential Elections

Can the Democrats re-craft the original intent of the signers of our Constitution from in-person voting to proxy voting, from voting day to voting week(s), from the electoral college voting to direct popular  voting, from known to unknown voters? Below is the revenant clause from our Constitution about presidential voting ... backed by the assumptions and original intent of its signers. You decide if we are moving too far afield from this document’s clear purpose.

Constitution — Article II Section 1 paragraph 4;
The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the day on which they shall give their Votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States.



  1. Bend Franklin5:59 AM

    Times change. The original framers of the constitution knew nothing of the coming internet age. Wake up and smell the votes. Being afraid of this change is nothing more than "white fear"

  2. Are you suggesting that we vote via the Internet? If so, we should just let Zuckerberg pick our winners.

  3. BTW, mail is not so new fangled ... it was available back then ...
