Friday, September 04, 2020


“Perception is reality.” — Lee Atwater

There is a rhetorical trick now becoming popular among liberal interrogators (saw it being used by Wolf Blitzer and Kamala Harris) ... I expect it to show up often in the upcoming debates. And that is to ask Republicans if they acknowledge that there is a “perception” of something damaging to them? And, if they acknowledge such a perception, then this is conflated with agreeing with the slur. Obviously claptrap ... but easily passing over the heads of many naive viewers.

Even though they don’t  teach rhetoric in schools anymore, clearly liberals have gone back and read the textbooks.

Watch for it!

Afterthought: what would good answers be? How about “perception is NOT reality” or maybe “my perception is that you are bullying the witness ... are you?”



  1. The current flap over what the president is alleged to have said in the Atlantic article is a perfect example of alternative realities. Because of his many lies, insults and denials, he has zero credibility when he says he never said those things about military veterans.

    Almost no one thinks, "That's not the Donald Trump I know."

    That said, if no one comes forward with their accusation, we must dismiss it as mere dirty tricks "disinformation."
