Thursday, September 03, 2020

More on Voter Fraud

Watch AG Barr talk about the dangers of universal mail-in voting ... see: Blitzer and Barr. “Playing with fire” is almost certainly an understatement. I think that it is clear such widespread mailed-in balloting provides an opportunity for dishonest players to rig elections. And, the Dems would not be pushing so hard if they thought that the GOP would be the manipulators. In fact, does this suggest that the left does not believe that Trump is as dishonest as they constantly make him out to be?

Universal mail-in voting does little to assure that the ballot represents a legitimate voter ... eliminates the audit trail to this voter ... a clear opportunity for election fraud ... and removes the assurance of the secret ballot, a cornerstone of our democracy. A triple whammy!

You can’t have it booth ways, blue-staters. If you really thought that Trump and his henchmen were more dishonest that your posse, you would never push this dangerous way of electing our president. Think about it ... I can wait ... I can hear the gears turning ...

And, kind reader, may I make a prediction? After all the choking acrid smoke has cleared over this cockamamie scheme, next there will be a push by the left for nation-wide Internet voting ... of course, managed by the Masters of the Universe ... as unbiased as they have shown themselves to be.

Bottom line: Anything thing that diminishes the integrity of the voting system is wrong ... dangerously wrong ... wrong headed ... probably unConstitutional ... and invariably being pushed by the left.

I wonder why? Can’t the left win on the up and up?

Afterward ... see more of this Barr interview on other subjects: Powerline Blog.



  1. Wizard of nods6:18 AM

    Most corrupt, dishonest AG in the history of this country. He too will be being Bars (not Barrs) soon, I hope. On national television this moron who is supposed to be the head legal beagle said, "I don't know if it's illegal to vote twice" Come on George. You are smarter than to fall for this hunk of jello.

  2. Why do you Libs always respond to facts with ad hominems?

  3. I went back and watched the video again. I didn’t hear him say what you assert. Please give a reference ... if you can.

  4. Barr played coy when Wolfe pointed out that he said he "didn't know" by hedging that maybe some states allowed a late change in voting. Hah. Stop defending these low lifes.

  5. Is Barr supposed to know the detailed voting laws of every state? Is this coyness or honesty? I vote for honesty.
