Saturday, September 19, 2020

Looming Crisis

There is a very good reason why we are going to need nine justices on the Supreme Court in time for November’s presidential election ... and that is to resolve certain numerous disputed election results which are bound to erupt because of all the changes occurring in our presidential election process: universal mail-in ballots, provisional ballots, extended voting periods, early voting, relaxed ballot validation rules, ballot harvesting, rank-choice voting, extended vote counting periods, dropping picture ID requirements, resisting the cleansing of voter registration rolls, same-day registrations, motor-voter registrations, etc. ... most of which changes to the traditional and Constitutional-mandated voting process having been installed by Democrats under the guise of increasing the number of people voting ... and to accommodate the current pandemic ... but are really designed to allow dishonest localities ... mostly Democrat ... to rig elections.

If, like most finger-in-your-ears liberals, you dispute this conclusion, read how just one of these slip-knots, voter registration rolls are in disarray ... see: Breitbart Article.

 I would like to believe that the rhetoric surrounding these changes are sincere ... but anyone not just fallen off the turnip truck knows that they are not. And loud remonstrations against such a conclusion are equally dishonest ... no matter how loud and spittle-flecked.

As will be the pulpit-thumping complaints and threatened violence against the filling out of our highest court’s bench for Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s departure.  We must have a fully-functioning Supreme Court prior to all this looming election crisis.

Unsolicited advice: Don’t get caught in the coming crossfire.


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