Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Liberal Arrows

According to Nancy Pelosi (and Elizabeth Warren?), America’s  liberals have a lot of arrows in their quivers to threaten who, for many years, have been spineless Republicans. Here are some of them so far identified (I’m sure there are many more arrows):

=> Make states out of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia =  four more Democrat Senators

=> Accuse Republicans of being racists, homophobes or sexists ... often all three

=> Fulminate violent rioting and mayhem in the streets

=> Eliminate the filibuster rule in the Senate

=> Call Trump & Company white supremacist, Nazis, etc.

=> Impeach the President, the Attorney General, etc.

=> Obliterate the electoral college

=> Pull down statues, rename locales and cover our cities with graffiti both unsanctioned and sanctioned

=> Physically threaten conservatives with bodily harm

=> Stop enforcing the law in many of our major cities and defund the police

That is, this was the case until Donald Trump reminded us that we all have backbones.



  1. tonto9:37 AM

    Totally missed the point, as usual. She said she had arrows to stop the forcing of another right wing idiot onto the supreme court, not all the conspiracy crap that Mark Levin has drilled into you brain. Keep America White. Keep the Supreme Court Far Right

  2. I said who she was threatening and how ... but not why. I’ll accept your reason for starters.
