Friday, September 11, 2020


We all know what if is like to be served the remnants of an over-stocked meal for the third and fourth nights ... particularly if the original dinner was just so-so. You can just warm over mashed potatoes and grisly meat just so many times before it’s tossed out or given to the dog to turn it’s nose up to too.

If you have been reading this blog for any period of time, kind reader, you know where this post is going with this set-up ... yes, Socialism, Communism and other forms of Marxism ... all reheated versions of the same liberal dystopia that the next generation of Bernie Bros keeps trying to dress up with gravy and parsley to feed to us once again.

These equal-outcome ideologies have been tried over and over and over again ... from the Plymouth Colony, to Russia, to Vietnam, to Cuba ... and now Venezuela ... each time to fail miserably ... the misery suffered by the proletariat, not the leaders who had shielded their future with Swiss bank accounts. And each time, the excuse was that “it wasn’t done right.”

Now, we are offered these same leftovers by the power-hungry Democrats ... hoping that their strategy of hiding the sad history of this ideology by tearing these pages out of our children’s history books would allow them to once again run ... and ruin things.

No thanks, Comrade Biden.



  1. Harry Truman6:31 AM

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  2. Go back to school. Our founding fathers had an epiphany ... governments serve people (your examples) ... people don’t serve government like under socialism.
